We've been learning all about carbon footprints, what impact they have on our environment and how we can reduce ours!
We have been learning what a carbon footprint is and have calculated our own. We have a better undertsanding of how our food and drink choices impact the environment. Many of us have improved our maths skills and are more confident now in interpreting information in a table and representing data on a graph.
We enjoyed engaging with a variety of local organisations in The Hub finding out about different ways we could reduce our carbon footprint, get fitter, save money and have have fun at the same time!
Many of us identified one action we could take to apply our learning. Our Hub tree is now laden with these pledges! Have you actioned yours yet? Let us know how you get on. Keep encouraging each other - your classmates, teachers, friends and family. If you want to find out more about what changes you can make, check out the Luton Council Climate Change Guide