We welcomed some guest speakers to inspire and encourage our learners to experience personal growth by stepping out of their comfort zones.
It was a privilege to welcome to Arndale House our guests on Wednesday 5 March:
Vicky Hawkes, Service Director Neighbourhood Services - Luton Council; Maureen Drummond, Head of Health Inequalities and Inclusion - NHS; Shannon Welch, Curriculum Support Officer and Memoona Hashmi, Maths teacher - both working at Luton Adult Learning.
We are so grateful to our guest speakers for sharing from their personal experience about how they have often stepped out of their comfort zones and experienced both personal and professional growth as a result. We encourage all our learners and our staff to consider how they might take a small step to try do something different, something new or make a small change. And repeat... grow and watch your goal/s gradually become within reach!
For more ideas and to find out more about International Women's Day take a look at our display board in The Hub when you're next visiting Arndale House.